Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ten Things Georgia Has Taught me

1.     You don’t need to speak to people to love them.
2.     It would be easy to be a vegetarian.
3.     Kids are kind of the same everywhere.
4.     You don’t need money to be rich.
5.     How to pee in holes in the ground, (All though I do a good job of avoiding them).
6.     How to avoid eye contact with all people walking down the street.
7.     As much as I like any food variety is what makes eating enjoyable.
8.     How to choose my clothes based on what smells the least.
9.     To eat raw garlic and enjoy it.
10. To shower only once a week and accept that I only shower once a week.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who Wants to Play Doctor?

First I really hope I never have to go to the doctor in this country.  I don’t think the health care here is bad, and plenty of people live to a what by any countries standard would be an old age despite the constant smoking and drinking, it’s just the health care is a little different. The hospitals don’t seem like sterile environments, windows are missing and everything looks at least 50 years old.
But now I am not going to talk about the health care system in this country, which of course needs help, as most people would think about every country.

What I am going to talk about is when my host little sister came to me and asked me to play doctor of course I said yes. I didn’t know what I was agreeing to at the moment. I thought one of us would be the doctor and the other one would be the patient.  She brings out a doll and says one of us will be the mom and the other one the doctor.  She then goes and gets many medical supplies that are no longer needed. I have a lose understand that someone died and now they don’t need these things. 

She takes out a glass vile and files off the top. She starts mixing powders and such. Then spoons this mixture in the dolls mouth. My host mom sees us playing and says we are good doctors so I know what she is doing is okay. Then she moves on to another vile and files off the top. She uses and syringe with a needle to draw out the liquid and give the doll a shot. I honestly have no clue what we were shooting in to the baby but I am thinking contact with what ever it was must not be harmful. Shortly after the shot we put together an IV bag and filled it with water, we had the baby on a water drip. This was one sick baby doll, but we cured her and it was fun.